Commanding your enemies to destroy themselves.

Father God, by the name of my Lord Jesus Christ stir up my enemies against each other, let my enemies fight amongst themselves and I will have my peace. Let the unity and the fabric that holds them together break. Let their friendship, brotherliness and comradeship break and be destroyed. Let quarrels and strife break out amongst them.
Let the brother/relatives of my enemies fight against my enemies, let the enemy of my enemy break out in their midst against their cities, let the evil alliance against me between satanic kingdoms be destroyed, let their kingdoms fight against each other. 

In the ensuing war between my enemies, Lord, make me a spectator watching their destruction in the name of Jesus. O you my enemies on both sides of the battleground, listen to my cheering creed: Leave no stone unturned, destroy yourselves unto desolation in the name of Jesus!
In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare no more unity among the kingdoms of my enemies. Make it impossible, O Lord, for them to come together and agree on any purpose or action amongst themselves. Let my enemies always fail to agree on any purpose or action against my life and destiny and that of my loved ones in Jesus name.

I decree infighting, backbiting and jealousy amongst them to destroy their numbers and rule. I instigate bickering, wrangling, and power-struggling to castrate them from launching any form of attack in the name of Jesus. Let Holy Ghost Fire destroy them to ashes. Let every satanic framework of my enemies that used to work for them against me and my loved ones be consumed by fire. 
Let the spirit of Egypt they put their trust and confidence in fail them, let their weapons and artillery be turned against them. Let their magic, incantations, spells, curses and conjuring powers and forces turn back and destroy them. I destroy their counsel against me and confound their plans against me in the name of Jesus. Let their murdering tongues and wishes be turned back to them. Let all the evil decrees they have uttered against me and my loved ones turn back and destroy them, NOW in Jesus' name! 

In the name of Jesus, Let their cursing stick unto them as a wet garment that never gets dry. Because they love cursing let them have it. Let the net they have set for my feet and that of my loved ones catch their own feet. Let their dark arts and utterances be gathered from the elements, waters and seas and come back and destroy them.
In the name of Jesus, I command the spirit of death they conjured against my loved ones and me to turn back and fulfill its evil assignment against them in Jesus name. Let the murderous pit they dug for me and my loved ones be used to bury them. Let every effigy they created and assigned my image and name to turn by force to their own image and name. I command every pronouncement made on such an effigy to reverse their course of action and destroy them.
In the name of Jesus, Let every hound of hell or demon they let loosed on assignment against my loved ones and me, turn back and fulfill its evil assignment on them. Let the demons and the disembodied spirits they are harbouring in their hearts, attack and destroy them. 

In the name of Jesus, I command the idols they ferried about in their pursuit of my life and my loved ones to disappoint them. I command the Fire and Power of God to locate and consume their sorcerers, their advisers, those having familiar spirits (the mediums) and their wizards.  
Father, require from my enemies the blood of the innocent they spilled. The blood of the innocent cries out for Justice Father God. In judgement, let the Lord God Almighty release a perverse spirit, a spirit of error and mistake, a spirit of confusion and destruction into the midst of my enemies. God cause them to err, cause them to make mistakes and errors that lead them to stumble and fall to their destruction. 

Father God, turn their arrogance, their pride, and boasting about their attacks against my life and destiny into open shame and nothing. Unseat and destroy the powers sitting upon my life and destiny in the name of Jesus. Your end is near and now is the moment of your judgment! Be unseated by Holy Ghost Fire and Power in the name of Jesus. Be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Let the judgement of God and the sword of the Lord cut off enemy’s covens and their members. Let the out stretched Right hand of the Lord route out and destroy my enemies in their hiding places. 
In the name of Jesus, I take dominion and authority over you. The Lord of Hosts has given me authority and power over you and I have been made a fierce ruler and terror over your cities and kingdoms in the name of Jesus. I release the judgement of God against all my enemies in the name of Jesus!  I have been given powers beyond the powers of your cruel master satan. Be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.


  1. Do you offer prayer via phone or email, pastor Charles?

  2. Hello Pastor,

    My name is Geoff,

    I received your details from a close friend of mine and said to contact you as they believe that you could help me with

    some insights into a situation that i have been facing for years.

    I have been feeling things grab me of a night and day for the past few years.

    I have renounced all of my sin and ancestral sins yet I still feel this thing grabbing me.

    I have had prayer ministry yet this has not broken off my life.

    I am not sure why this still happens.

    Can you shine any light on this situation as this spirit grabs my privet areas as well?

    Kind regards

    1. Hello Geoff! Am so sorry for late reply. This period is a season of intensive spiritual activities. So sorry!
      What is going on in your life is abnormal. I can see you are a believer and you are doing the right thing, and as such you really need help from the Almighty God which He liberally gives through Jesus Christ. I will please want you to add a few more details to what you are going through. Now I want to ask you a few questions to unravel mystery behind the attack you are passing through.
      1) this thing that come to grab you, how does it look like? Does it look a thing know or recognize?
      2) in what form does does s/he come? Does s/he come to attack or just to have sex or amorous affair with you?
      3) besides grabbing you what else does it do with you. Is there a specific time in the day or night that it visit you?
      4) ever since this apparition has been visiting or grabbing you how has your life being? Can you sketch the details of the going-ons in life since you started having this experience?


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