<span>Photo by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Maxim Ilyahov</a> on <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a></span>
    image: Maxim Ilyahov

“But I see another law in my members  warring against the law  of my mind and bringing me into captivity  to the law of sin which is in my members” [Rom 7:23].

To help you understand the violence of the enemy’s offence, I will write out the same verse using the meanings of key words from Strong’s Concordance.

I discern/understand with my sense/mind’s eye; through the idea of prescriptive usage, a regulation/principle in my physical body/parts of my body desiring or indulging in spiritual idolatry/harlotry/sin. It is making a military expedition to attack and oppose the principles and  regulations; of the mind of Christ in me, my human intellect/thoughts/feelings/judgement/will and ability to understand, perceive (God). It does this in order to captivate and capture my mind; by leading me to wander from the law of God and violate God's law in thought or in the act; through the idea of prescriptive usage, a regulation/principle which is in my physical body/parts of my body desiring or indulge in spiritual idolatry/harlotry/sin.

O wretched (afflicted, miserable, troubled) man that I am! Who shall deliver (rescue) me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind, I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin [Rom 7:24-25].

The above mentioned is why Jesus died to redeem you and me from the curse of the law (of sin and death) not the law of God. “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” [Rom 8:2 KJV]. The law of God is not evil beloved. Jesus came to fulfil and not replace or abolish the law of God. He came to abolish and destroy the law of sin and death. “The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law [1Co 15:56]. The law of sin and death that came through Adam. “Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come” Rom 5:14.

How does the bible define sin?

Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law [1John 3:4]. Note that this is a New Testament verse, written by John, a man that spent a lot of time with the Lord. Does this mean that every law applies to you written in the Old Testament? The answer is no. There are laws written specifically for Levitical priests, women, farmers etc. Am I saying you should start sacrificing animals? No beloved, Jesus is the final sacrifice. All I ask is for you to let scripture interpret scripture. I encourage you to do your own study. Let us pray for God’s deliverance from this military campaign.

Abba Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus. I ask you to forgive me of every evil imagination of the thoughts of my heart [Gen 6:5]. Empower me to not entertain them, feed them with what I watch, what I listen to, what I meditate on and put in and on my body. Father, forgive me for every idol I serve in my heart, with my time, my imagination and speech in the name of Jesus. 
Deliver me from all time wasters. Father in the name of Jesus, please do not let social media, television and gaming [insert other time wasters] master me and steal time from me. Deliver me from my phone and any devices used to ensnare me, to waste me, to destroy me, to entice me. Empower me to use them in moderation. Deliver me from all inordinate attachments of my possessions (money, job title, house etc) in Jesus name. For I cannot serve two maters, I chose you Father. Deliver me from the spirit of procrastination, delay, deferment. I remove and renounce all cooperation and worship I have handed over to such things. Deliver me from the devices (instruments for evil), snares and entanglements programmed in these things. Break demonic cycles and programmes handling me and compelling me to act in this manner. I bind their operation in my life and my environment. I release the desire for the true word of God, prayer and the will of God in its place. Forgive me Abba where I chose it over you. I hand over my will to you and ask you to break all slave bonds between me and these things. Father, please send your word and the blood of Jesus over every breach, every fault line the enemy exploited. Rebuild your hedge of protection around me and my loved ones. Forgive me for breaching it with my actions. I pray for wisdom and the power to withstand them. I command all demon sponsored attachments and demonic entities tied with them to go in the name of Jesus. I clear my environment in the name of Jesus. I command them to go with their devices [instruments], their evil plantings, projections, hexes, vexes, hoodoo, voodoo, evil arrows, sayings, curses, chants, evil eye. Let my life cease being good ground for evil seed/s and imaginations. My evil plans, plots and schemes of the enemy be broken and destroyed in the name of Jesus. Let my mind cease to be fertile ground for evil. Let the mind of Christ be in me. Help me to desire and read the word of God to renew (regenerate, restore and replenish my Kingdom mindset). I command all imbalances in my brain to be restored to the way God designed them to function in Jesus name. I command all discrete nerves, cells, and circuits that regulate responses to social interactions, sex and food to achieve equilibrium now. I command a rewiring and Godly restoration of all corrupted regions of my brain. I command in the name of Jesus all demonic attachments at the molecular, cellular, and circuit-level to break and be destroyed. I take authority in the name of Jesus of over the abnormal power and resistance of the darkness designed to corrupt, manipulate, dominate, oppress and enslave my mind, mindset, thoughts, will, emotion, destiny, children, family and environment. Deliver me, Lord, in Jesus name. Let my spirit, soul and body cease to be fertile ground for these snares. I break and release all of me from their hold and oppression. Deliver me from every lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and pride of life in Jesus name. Raise me to be faithful to do things according to that which is in Your heart and in Your mind my Lord God, in Jesus name [1Sa 2:35]. Empower me to serve You, Lord, with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts. Restore my desire to seek You until I find You, Lord, do not forsake me or cast me off forever [1Ch 28:9] so that I will love the Lord my God with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind [Mat 22:37]. Keep me in perfect peace, keep my mind stayed on You Abba Father because I trust in You Lord [Isa 26:3]. I have no confidence in my flesh or strength but I have complete faith and trust in You to deliver and restore me. Father, I receive your forgiveness, restoration and the joy of Your salvation in Jesus name
