Empty tomb image
2011 (c) Google Images
An empty tomb . . .
And when the sabbath was past [ that is,after the sun had set], Mary Magdalene, and Mary [ the mother] of James, and Salome purchased sweet smelling spices, so that they might go and anoint [ Jesus' body]. And very early on the first day of the week they came to the tomb; [by then] the sun had risen.
And they said to one another, "Who will roll back the stone for us out of [the groove across the floor] at the door of the tomb?" And when they looked up, they [distinctly] saw that the stone was already rolled back, for it was very large.
And going into the tomb they saw a young man sitting [there] on the right [side], clothed in a [long, stately, sweeping] robe of white, and they were utterly amazed and struck with terror.
Women at the empty tomb of Jesus
2011 (c) Google images
And he said to them, "Do not be amazed and terrified: you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen: He is not here. See the place where they laid Him [Psalm 16:10]. But be going; tell the disciples and Peter, he goes before you into Galilee: you will see Him there [just] as He told you." [refer to Mark 14:28] Mark 16:1 - 7 AMP
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And they found the stone rolled back from the tomb (Luke 24:2) |
Jesus commissions every believers
Afterwards He appeared to the eleven [apostles themselves] as they reclined at the table; and He reproved and reproached them for their unbelief (their lack of faith) and their hardness of heart, because they had refused to believe those who had seen Him and looked at Him attentively after He had risen [from death].
And he said to them,
"Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the gospel to every creature [of the whole human race].
He who believes [who adheres to and trust in and relies on the gospel and Him Whom it sets forth] and is baptised will be saved [from the penalty of eternal death]; but he who does not believe [ who does not adhere to and trust in and rely on the gospel and Him Whom it sets forth] will be condemned.
And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My Name they will drive out demons: they will speak in new languages. They will pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well."
Mark 16:14 - 18 AMP
When he rose, He went to heaven to report the completion of the task He had been given. He presented the blood to the Father. When He arose from death He ascended first to the heaven conquering the heavenlies and the powers that be (The prince of the air, the queen of heaven) and as the High Priest presented the blood of righteousness to the Father, indicating that He has accomplished the task for which He was assigned.
In conclusion let the word of God sum it all up for you:
Therefore [because he stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every other name. That in [at] the name of Jesus every knee should [must] bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. And every tongue [frankly and openly] confess and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of the Father.
Phil 2:9 - 11 AMP
Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. We must be aware that the LORD is coming back as the warrior King to collect His church. Are you ready for His second coming? Take the time to search your heart. If you do NOT know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and saviour I would encourage you to welcome Him in your heart by saying the prayer posted on this blog. Look for the prayer written near the praying hands at the bottom of this web page. You will never regret choosing Him. He is the LORD.
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