Social Standing and Status

Social standing and status have bred somewhat of a classism where people believe they have more worth than their fellow man because of their contacts, connections and affluence. This is such a tricky one beloved. Do you ever find yourself name dropping to get favours, recognition or even attention. It is very flattering to the flesh to be associated with “people who matter” in society. That is why people brag and boast about their “important associations”.

Please do not misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with knowing affluent people or being affluent. Society is structured in such a way that it is a reality to have different classes of people based on socioeconomic markers. But the issue here is, does your net-worth determine your self-worth? Beloved no, if we understand that all humanity is created in the image and likeness of Almighty God, our value comes from this point and not from external features like networth.

What is the purpose of these connections you may ask? Are they there to suppress and oppress others? No, suppressing and oppressing others with your contacts and connections is wickedness and pride. Note that the bible says the prideful and wicked will not go unpunished. God wants you to use your social standing and status in society to make a difference in peoples’ lives and destinies positively and not the other way around.

Power and Authority

The true mettle of anyone can be tested when they are given absolute power. Have you heard the saying, absolute power corrupts? If you don’t believe me look around the world at dictatorships. They are unbalanced, corrupt and not equitable. These are examples where power can corrupt an individual who starts out fine.

The question is, does the power corrupt or is it simply a magnifier of what is already present? The ugly truth is when we are not yielded to God, the likelihood of being like ‘those dictators’ is very high. The bible talks about the heart being very wicked and deceitful. Why? We always love to think of ourselves as being very generous, and beyond certain things. Beloved you need to understand that the flesh does not bear the fruit of the Spirit. It is always at odds with the spirit and goes out of its way to sabotage it. Therefore you have to actively guard against such things and not believe you are above them. Admittedly, this is easier for some than others but it is something that does not just happen, it needs to be cultivated. The more you yield to the Spirit of God regarding the use of your power and authority, the easier it will be to be godly and consistent.

God is the one who places you in positions of authority. No matter the circumstances that lead you to any position of authority and power, it is God’s own making to make you influential. If He had said NO, you would not be there in the first place. But for what purpose you may ask yourself? To bring about His desired change.

Positions of authority should not change you into an inhumane oppressor; remember always to be a good representative of the government of God, which is the authority and power of His kingdom on earth and in heaven. Finding yourself in a position of authority is for you to use it to change the face of humanity according to God’s will and principles.

Many who were once in authority died on the seat of power just because they failed God and mankind! Some are disgraced out office because they are a disappointment to the God who put them there. God’s anger has fallen upon many ex-leaders because they are a colossal failure in terms of gross abuses of the God given power and privileges. This is because pride always goes before a fall.

Pride of leadership

There is pride of leadership. Beloved do you know that every man, every woman, believer or non believer is a leader in his or her own realm. There are areas where you are a leader and others where you are a follower. For instance a husband is a leader at home but a follower in his local church. A teacher is a leader in their classroom but a subordinate to their head of department etc.

The question is how have you used the leadership position God entrusted to you? Have you made yourself a god and ignored the headship and leadership of God? God will never be your servant; His patience towards you is not a sign of weakness but rather His mercy? He is still on the throne. Think back to how many leaders have been shamed out of office. Never challenge God you will surely lose. Pride of leadership is an attempt at asserting man’s independence and challenging God’s Lordship.

Leadership is service and not enslavement or savagery. It is no more than a call to serve. It is an opportunity God gives to you to allow Him to lead the followers in the middle and you coming from the rear. This is the divine principle of leadership.

Moses set a record and an example of leadership for all to emulate. When Pharaoh and the pursuing Egyptians caught up with the children of Israel at the Red Sea, “Moses asked God what must I do?” He said to him “Strike the Sea with the staff in your hand”. And when he struck it, the sea parted into two and the people started to move forward. Moses stood still until the last Israelite man and woman crossed over to the other side before he moved. That is leadership par excellence. That is leadership by sacrifice.

He did not fear the Egyptians would kill him and therefore resisted the urge to hurriedly cross over first. No. He did that because he knew that God is the leader while the rest of the flock are the followers. He understood that when God is leading both those in middle and those at the rear are protected and guided by Him. He knew that when God is leading He is the REAR-GUARD and the FRONT-GUARD.

Beloved we should be thankful to God always, for everything and not be proud. The scripture says in Ephesians 5:20, “At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father” (AMP).

Again, in Ephesians 3:20-21, the scripture pointed out the necessity for us all to be thankful to God always. It says,

20Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]-- 21To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it)” Ephesians 3:20-21(AMP).

To God indeed be glory and glory, forever and ever. Amen! We shall be concluding the last segment of this series in the next post. In it we shall be looking at the biblical examples of this topic: the proud and the thankful and their rewards. Thanks. Stay blessed.
