The Apple of God's Eye:YOU

Earlier we saw how God made a covenant with Noah. Today we will look indept at how that promise benefits you. Notice that everything in this covenant revolves around people. 

Genesis 9: NKJV
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. 3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. 4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.

What is a covenant? It is an agreement between two parties. it is an agreement that governs the relationship between two entities. Such as marriage, marital vows, business partnership, constitutions and articles of association of govenmental and non governmental organisation, etc are all examples of covenant.

The bible is the code upon which the earth and humans are being governed. No matter the type of human government, this code in the bible is what is somehow being used there. The constitution of many nations of the world is based on the principles enunciated in this Holy book.

A covenant can be entered into by a senior and junior partner. The senior partner usually sets the terms and gives the junior partner the option of accepting the conditions or leaving them. This was true also in the case of the covenant between Noah and God. God did not need Noah's opinion for Him to draw the terms of the covenant between them.This is because He is the Alpha and the Omega. Again note, God does not need a covenant for Him to exist as God of the heavens and the earth but Noah needs it. However God never exploits His position of authority and power. He is the eternal KING of glory. Instead the covenant was more beneficial for the junior partner, to exist, be protected and prosper. This is the case with you too.

See the heart of God and the nature of God. God wants you and me to prosper in ALL things. He has made us heirs over the earth, of things in heaven and the inheritor of His new covenant. God established humans as the authority and caretakers of the earth. He gave us the title deed. That is why he says in Psalm 82:6,

 6 I said, “You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High.

Genesis 9:4 is the first place where God says DO NOT EAT BLOOD. This was before the Law of Moses. The “life is in the blood and you shall not eat it.” Is that not a law?  Man was created by God as a sensible being, with a sense of right and wrong. This sense of right and wrong was not written in any book but in the heart.

So when every imagination of man or thought became evil God was disappointed because man knew what he was doing was bad. He was sinning against His creator. He knew he was being wicked to himself, his fellow man and the environment. This sense has not disappeared that is why God said,

5 Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man. 6 “ Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.

This means that any man or beast that sheds human blood will give an account. Even animals that kill humans will be brought to judgement; because they will be violating His command. Why? Child of God, you carry the nature of God spiritually, physically and you are made and declare untouchable by Him.
So man is precious and the heir of His creation. Similarly, that is why no man made instrument or activity should hurt you. The extent of this love is sacrificial. God does not change; His love for man was there from the beginning. This message should show you how much God values you. 

Nothing that is created is permitted to hurt you. If God never gave permission, who is that entity that wants to violate His law that is established in heaven and earth, they will give an account, struck with fire and be destroyed. You are still the wonder in God’s creation. He fancies you. That is why He gave man His all to bring us back to His commonwealth. This heart for restoration and not destruction is echoed in this verse:
15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.... 17 And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”

Now that you kow that you are the apple of God's eye pray the following prayer points.

Prayer Points
·        Thank God for the word
·        Re-establish, the covenant of fruitfulness, multiplication and replenishing in your life and destiny
·        Take authority and dominion over your environment  and ask God to release the treasure in it to you and your generations
·        Command every power demanding your head pay with its own head, you are not its candidate  
·        Command every power, every force of darkness demanding your blood to be destroyed
