Do you celebrate Easter or Passover?

At around this time of the year there are many people who are gearing up for the holidays. This is a significant time, if not the most important time in our calendar where we celebrate the death and RESURRECTION of our Lord Yeshua. Without His resurrection there wouldn’t be redemption for our sins. See past blog posts on this topic. However, many Christians have ignorantly been polluting this sacred time by honouring pagan gods during “easter”. Retailers have no problem with these activities as easter like christmas are very lucrative for them but for all the wrong reasons.

Have you ever asked yourself what easter bunnies, chicks and eggs have to do with the passion of Lord Yeshua? The short answer beloved is absolutely nothing. They have as much to do with Christ as Santa, Rudolph and Christmas trees. The fact of the matter is the bible makes no mention of these symbols as being central to the worship and observance of Passover or the birth of Lord Yeshua  

In none of the accounts of the crucifixtion do we read that cute egg laden bunnies and chicks stood far off with Mary and watching from a distance as our Lord suffered. I am not trying to be trite but I am trying to emphasise that these symbols and the customs associated with them are not biblical.

And all the acquaintances of [Jesus] and the women who had followed Him from Galilee stood at a distance and watched these things. Luke 23:49

The Lord is clear about what we should do in remembrance of Him.

And when He had given thanks, He broke (it) and said, “Take, eat. This is My body, which is broken for you. Do this to call Me (affectionately) to remembrance”. Similarly when supper ended, He took the cup also, saying, “This cup is the new covenant (ratified and established) in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink (it), to call Me (affectionately) into remembrance. For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are representing and signifying and proclaiming the fact of the Lord’s death until He comes (again). 1 Corinthians 11: 24 – 26 (AMP)

Therefore as a believer you are supposed to refer to this time as passover (Hebrew: פֶּסַח Pesach) or resurrection week as some believers prefer. Coincidentally, the 2015 Jewish Passover begins in the evening of Friday, April 3 and ends in the evening of Saturday, April 11.

So where does easter come from and what do the bunnies mean?

The Saxons of Northern Europe worshiped the goddess oestre or eostre or eastre during the spring equinox. The name easter is a derivative of ostre. The goddess eastre represents the sunrise, spring-time, the renewal of life and fertility. The bunny is a symbol of fertility, and coloured eggs represent the sunlight of spring.

So if your church has organised a sunrise “worship” service, or “fun” easter egg hunts for the kids, etc do not participate. These rituals and occultic symbols are completely demonic and are not harmless. Over the centuries they have crept into Christianity as a result of the Roman Catholic Church. Whenever you eat easter eggs and the like you are honouring the spirit of easter and rejecting the finished work of the cross and dishonouring Lord Yeshua.

What saddens me is when Christians continue with these rituals even when they are presented with the facts cited above. Or angrily defend or justify their worship of the goddess eastre. Beloved remember that God is a jealous God and will not share his glory with anybody, especially easter. Choose this day who you will follow and serve, the Lord Jesus or the goddess eastre? Let him who has an ear, hear what the Spirit of God is saying. The line has been drawn in the sand. Choose life and not death. Amen.
