1. In the name of Jesus Christ, every spirit of wicked leadership exploiting me, looting the blessings reserved for me from God be unseated and destroyed by Holy Ghost Fire. I command every spirit of wicked leadership oppressing me to  restore my blessings from God seven fold. For it is written, when a thief is caught he must restore seven fold. Restore my …[name all blessings Holy Spirit prompts you to].
  2. In the name of Jesus Christ, I uproot every spirit of unbelief blocking my faith and intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. All spirits facilitating acts of corruption, vile/evil deeds and all unrighteousness in my life I renounce you in the name of Jesus.
  3. In the name of Jesus Christ any thoughts or strongholds operating in and around me causing me to treat God with flippancy and Christ with disdain, knowingly and unknowingly I command you to catch fire and be destroyed.
  4. Every spirit of pride causing me to reject God and embrace the doctrines of demons be uprooted in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit search my heart and shine your light and consuming Fire on all such thoughts and tendencies. I ask for the wisdom of God to guide my life and thought life daily.
  5. In the name of Jesus Christ, by the blood of Jesus and Holy Ghost Fire I command all occultists, witches, wizards, all representatives of satan and the darkness both visible and invisible attacking my life and destiny to surrender their power to Jesus Christ. I seal my life and destiny in the blood of Jesus.
  6. In the name of Jesus, I uproot any tendencies in my life that oppose the word of God no matter how subtle. Father God cause me to hate what you hate and love your truth in the name of Jesus.
  7. I declare my dependence on Almighty God’s written and spoken word. I reject the spirit of disobedience, lawlessness and rebellion ruling this age. I separate myself with the blood of Jesus from its power, influence and deception in the name of Jesus Christ.
  8. Every seed and spirit of anti- Christ operating in me, that I contacted through anything I have read, watched or heard receive Holy Fire. I uproot you in the name of Jesus Christ. Father cleanse me from all such influences in the name of Jesus.  
  9. Father God, in the name of Jesus, I humble myself today and ask you to search my heart and forgive me of all unrepented sin in my life. I repent of [name the sin the Holy Spirit brings to remembrance. Take time and be still before the Father as He reminds you]
  10. Father where my conscience has been seared by sin I ask that you break the power of that deception. Even those areas where I have justified my sinful actions Father I ask that You set me free by Holy Ghost Fire. Break the power of that demonic seduction and influence in Jesus mighty name.
  11. Every spirit of backsliding and luke-warmness causing me to sin against God in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ I destroy your power over me.
  12. Every spirit of darkness creating, feeding and manifesting spiritual wretchedness, pitifulness, poverty, blindness, nakedness,  itching ears and a strong desire for false teachings designed to send me to hell, I renounce you, I curse you and uproot you out of my life in the name of Jesus. Father forgive me for allowing these spirits to take hold of me and deceive me. I pray you restore my love and passion for Christ in Jesus name.
  13. In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce and cast out every spirit of lust, debauchery, alcoholism, promiscuity, twisting, serpentine spirit of deception of satan. I command every unethical spirit of corruption, polluting me and making me inaccessible to Holy Spirit and His divine visitation to be destroyed in Jesus name. I destroy all legal ground for satanic visitation and demonic attacks in Jesus name. I hide in the Almighty God, in Jesus name. 


  1. Please help me Pastor Charles I am significantly oppressed in every imaginable way because of my faith. I've been anointed to the office of prophet and I'm fighting against human trafficking and there's a Code of Silence around here blocking my access to life I'm the victim of Munchausen syndrome and my parents are the embodiment of the mob and they have place money trackers around me to block my life I have ocular albinism in so if I have made a mistake please forgive me I rely on voice here cuz the print is small God bless you and thank you for anything that you can do please spread the word I live in Syracuse New York across from Onondaga Community College 294 Westbrook Hills Apartments and the Lord shows me that when people try to come to me cheap pray with me or anything good they are blocked by my enemies I am ceaselessly tortured with weapons and secret of nuclear chemical nature and I'm blocked from communication with my brother-in-law Myron who is a junior who is also one who loves the lord they're using his name in hiding around me and spraying me with substances to kill and breaking and entering and raping and abducting us there is much obstruction in the police department much human trafficking here in Hidden passageway in underground places where people are placed

  2. Dear Pastor Charles, I am 54 years old and I've been operating in the prophetic Ministry solo fighting against a multitude of forces such as human trafficking drug trafficking capital punishment police brutality and more as I was telling you. Nothing has changed since the last time I spoke or left message. I'm asking that if you could contact Mountain of Fire Ministry in dr. Olukoya and Apostle Paul Williams in Nigeria that they would pray for me it midnight Warfare and my family because I'm a pressed on every single side and I'm tortured see Sicily with a multitude of elements to beat me to death not to mention the many break-ins into my apartment and no help by the police because it's in a call attack I probably told you this already. I know that I wore not of flesh and blood but of the powers in the principalities of this Earth. I keep leaning on God with respect to Ecclesiastes chapter 4 because I need help and my husband has walked away from the Lord. I know that Paul had people following him in mocking him and calling him mad and stealing from him all the time. Every second of my life is monitored to block me from moving forward in life ensuring the gospel with the world. I just asked if you could just come together and pray for my family for deliverance and pass it on to anybody else. Greater is he who is in Austin he was in the world in the love of the Lamb who was slain Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the prophet r e e n y Campbell PS I am not yet established because of the insurmountable amount of Oppression around me but I have been moving tremendously in the skiff. I just need help learning how to steer the boat and when I go to school to study further I'm hoping that you would be one of my teachers. I pray that you'll take your material and put it in the book and so this material cuz this is all your hard work. I say that for Kingdom purposes and because I see people around me take your work and claim it as their own which is wrong. Each time I pray one of your prayers I loose the 30 60 hundredfold principle over your ministry and thank God that you're there because I have a vision impediment and each time I try to read the word of God they strike my eyes with so many different gases and they have been for the past six and a half years to block my growth in Christ. God bless you and thank you for everything that you feel led to do by the Lord of hosts, in the love of Christ ree NY Campbell formal name is Irene of Syracuse New York 294 West Brook Hill Apartments


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