Which is easier to say: Your Sins Are Forgiven or Get Up and Walk?

Lina Trochez
But Jesus, knowing (seeing) their thoughts, said, Why do you think evil and harbor malice in your hearts? For which is easier: to say, Your sins are forgiven and the penalty remitted, or to say, Get up and walk? But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins and remit the penalty, He then said to the paralyzed man, Get up! Pick up your sleeping pad and go to your own house (Matthew 9:4-6 AMPC).

When Jesus said to the paralyzed man your sins are forgiven, He was accused of blasphemy because according the Pharisees only God can forgive sins. They were only expecting Jesus to say to the man “get up and walk”. But Jesus without disputing that God forgives sins, responded to their accusation by saying, ‘tell me which is easier, “your sins are forgiven or get up and walk”’. He ended up by saying to paralyzed man “get up, take your bed and go home”. And immediately the man healed, rose up and went home rejoicing.

Beloved, the question you should ask yourself is, what is the significance of these two miracles that Jesus performed here to your spiritual life and wellbeing? It is a spiritual warning to you and to the Church in this end time. These two miracles offer two choices to you. One miracle represents inner and spiritual cleansing of the whole being and the other represents outward and physical healing of the being. Here Jesus proves that God and man can forgive sins. Although the Pharisees not knowing the deity of Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God, accosted Him with the question about His authority to forgive sin. However, Jesus’ action and response showed that forgiveness is the primary duty of God and man.

Jesus said to the paralyzed man, ‘your sins are forgiven’ so that the man would be healed in body, soul and spirit. By saying that, He healed the man’s whole being. Here Jesus was reinforcing the importance of eternity or eternal life for you and me. Would you rather die wanting your whole organs and body intact, but rot in hell or would you rather die with one member of your body missing but spend your eternity in Heaven?

Spiritual Warning To You
Again, Jesus having shown you that forgiveness is within the precinct of God and man, let me ask you the same question He used to answer the Pharisees, ‘which is easier to say, ‘your sins are forgiven’ or ‘get up and walk?’ Without expecting you to respond to this rhetorical question, let me make an attempt to answer this question. 

Beloved it is not easy to say your sins are forgiven or get up and walk. However, a man or woman with authority and power, with the anointing and glory of God upon his/her life can say to you, ‘Your sins are forgiven or get up and walk,’…just like Jesus. But to situate my answer in regard to the question posed here, I will say it is easier to say your sins are forgiven to the man or woman who offended you than to say to a paralyzed man get up and walk.

Healing in forgiveness
Regarding your relationship with other people, when you say, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ You are healing your own body, soul and spirit, and the body, soul and spirit of the offender at the same time. When your body, soul and spirit are emptied of sin and unrighteousness they are ready to enter Heaven in glory. However what we are seeing today is that it is more difficult to say to your neighbour who offended you, ‘I forgive you or your sins are forgiven’ than to say to the man in the street ‘get up and walk.

Do you know beloved when you do not forgive you are caging your soul? The soul indeed is the emotional region of your life, yet it is the turbo-charger of your body and spirit. If you cannot say your sins are forgiven and let go, you are caging your soul, spirit and body, and denying them from operating in influence and dominion in both the spiritual realm and physical realm. Anything to the contrary means the person is a witch or wizard who is masquerading as a Christian.
